Thursday, June 30, 2011
If It Looks Like a Duck...
Just Wondered!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Altar Calls
Monday, June 27, 2011
Obama Declares War
My Third Letter To The President (Jan 27, 2009)
Hi, it’s me again. Sorry to bother you; I know you are very busy but I have some questions and I see, from your official website, that you want to have an open and accessible administration so I’m sure you will not mind.
Do you know what is it called when one country invests in or finances the extermination of the citizens of another country? Some people might call it ethnic cleansing. I would call that an act of war.
What is it called when that practice is perpetrated on another country by stealth? Let me help you with this; it is called terrorism.
An acquaintance of mine has correctly pointed out that the funding of efforts or programs to affect the extermination of a country’s progeny and future is an act of aggression. And you, sir, by your executive order to lift the ban on funding overseas abortions, have affectively plunged the U.S. into the active process of slaughtering the unborn children of other nations.
So, Mr. President, when did you change from the anti-war leader we thought we elected? How is it that you can wage an undeclared war on another country? Did you go before congress to explain your intentions and get their permission to engage in terrorist activities against the citizens of other countries? Have you acquired the cooperation of the United Nations or are you engaging this country in some more unilateral assaults on other nations. How can you reconcile the release of international terrorists in the interest of human rights while, at the same time, allow the killing of innocent children. How are your acts of terrorism different or nobler than those of Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden?
I was just wondering.
Ralph M. Petersen
Does God Have A Business Plan?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
sons-in-law and I cleaned out a storage shed at our church a few years ago. It
was a project that was much needed and long overdue. As we sorted through the
junk, several thoughts occurred to me.
First, my
mind raced back about 25 years when I was the business administrator of a large
church. Dealing with a simple thing like “spring cleaning” is never a simple
thing in a church. Every bit of that broken, outdated, and worthless junk is SACRED. You can’t throw it away. It belonged to some class, mission society,
teacher, or long-dead member whose daughter is the chairman of the deaconess
committee. You must be a good steward of the resources God has provided. So
cram it into an attic, a closet, a cabinet, an unused classroom, or rent
another storage container to keep and protect that junk.
if it can’t be used now, there is probably someone somewhere who may be able to
use it for something sometime. It would be a shame (or probably a sin) to throw
that perfectly good, worthless stuff away. It would be better to save it
for the youth camp fund rummage sale or, if no one is willing to give a nickel
for that old, broken down computer, you could always donate it to another
church or, better yet, a missionary. Missionaries always need good junk. The
youth group could raise funds for a short-term mission project so they could
all rent a truck and a bus to take a pile of crap to a mission church in
Tijuana (never give them new stuff because it might spoil them).
remember, everything you think is dumpster fodder is a precious treasure donated by some dear saint and he is watching you. Most of our donations came
to us in the week following Christmas and just before the first day of January.
That’s when people make their year-end offerings of broken refrigerators, torn
sofas, and wrecked cars, to God. It’s a pretty cool deal. They can overhype the
value and take it as an income tax deduction, save the time and cost of
disposing of it at the landfill, AND, there are the added benefits of feeling
good about themselves and gaining brownie points with God for their generosity.
as I watched my boys toss out that stuff, I caught myself thinking that some of
that was worth keeping and, probably, some other well-meaning, seasoned saint
might get his shorts in a wad when he finds the storage shed cleared. After
all, that was a perfectly good shovel; all it needed was a new handle. But then
I quickly got over my hesitation. The neat, clean, organized storage space was
well worth the tradeoff.
Okay, so
I realize that there is a generational gap thing going on here that explains
why older people are inclined to save, store, and hoard. My grown kids are too
young to have observed it but I see it all the time in my dealings with the
elderly. Anyone who has lived during the 1920s through the 1940s probably has
a propensity to save stuff. The Great Depression brought hard times and the war
necessitated shortages and rationing. Those were the days when stuff was expensive,
and labor was cheap. So, for example, my grandfather saved used, bent nails. He
had the time to straighten and sort them rather than waste good money on new
nails. Today that doesn’t make sense because labor is very expensive, and goods
are relatively cheap. But all of this is a digression from the topic of church
Ignore all those excuses. Just
because someone donated it is no reason to store it and just because you have
it is no reason to keep it. The reason someone gave you that mimeograph machine
is because he now has a laser copier. And the reason someone donated that
flannelgraph is because she is now teaching with PowerPoint. Come on
folks, get rid of it. You will feel so much better when it’s gone.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Holding A Hammer
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A Short-Term Mission Opportunity
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
In order for my entire family to experience this wonderful blessing (something that has been my life-long dream), we will need a total of $15,000 to cover airline tickets, food, hotel rooms, passage to all the different lands of this mystical world, discretionary funds for undetermined needs, money to cover lost wages (so I don't have to use up any of my vacation time), and lovely, happy, feel-good tracts to pass out to the indigenous characters of Disney World.
One of the positive aspects of this mission opportunity is that we will not need to spend a lot of time mastering new languages. Apart from learning a few local colloquialisms like, "Bibbity bobbity boo," "Hi Ho, Hi Ho" and "Akuna Matata," communication should be pretty simple. Besides, most of the inhabitants are multi-lingual.
Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us to build up the Kingdom by supporting us in this ministry endeavor? I know times are hard and money is scarce but your gift of any size will be appreciated. And remember, the bigger the offering, the better your reward, since you cannot outgive God. We would really prefer not to have to pay for any of this ourselves (After all - we are the ones making the physical sacrifice to go and serve in this manner). For we know that you will get the greater reward for your sacrificial part in our labor. So "Let It Go."
Please make your check payable to the Ichabod Baptist Buddhist Comfortable Church of Open Hearts and Open Arms.
I want to thank you, in advance, for the very generous gift you are certain to give. Together, we can accomplish much as we show forth the love of God to all creatures great and small. Oh, and, by the way, if you cannot make a donation, at least you can pray. Pray that we all have a good, safe time, that our luggage doesn't get lost, and that we won't be too overly stressed or uncomfortable during our trip.
Ralph M. Petersen and family
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
A Christian Mother's Lament
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Rural America Beware
Note: Yes, as a matter of fact, I did mail this to the POTUS. I have mailed ALL the letters to him that I have posted here under the label, "Letters To Obama," signed with my real name, address and phone number.
Since he has enlisted thousands of citizens and his own goons to "rat out" his critics, I have tried to make it easy on him.
Justice Or Revenge?
Oh well, he won't be doing that again; I KILLED HIM!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Give Poor Anthony A Break
There are far more offensive things going on in this country. I once had a pastor who had a pool table in his living room. You know, as in "Pool with a capital P and that rhymes with T and that stands for TROUBLE. Now that's bad.
Seriously, I think a foolish little pornographic photo of Anthony Weiner's exposed "junk" isn't nearly as salacious or morally despicable as, say, Sarah Palin's shameless tanning bed purchase.
But hey, I could be wrong.
For the uninitiated, this post is classified "Sarcasm."