Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Remember When; Reminiscing With The Old Folks

Do You Remember:
When people got married first and then lived together? When “hooking up” was something we did to our travel trailer? When having “meaningful relationships” meant getting along with our cousins?

Remember when COKE, was a soft drink and ICE was something we used to cool it? When CRACK was a thing we patched and CRYSTAL was used for serving water to dinner guests? When POT was a cooking utensil? When WEED was what we did to maintain our flowerbeds and GRASS was something we mowed?

Remember when aids were helpers in the principal’s office? When closets were for keeping clothes in and not for coming out of? When gay meant happy and straight meant true?

Remember when gasoline cost more than drinking water? Remember when drinking water was free? Remember when parents used discipline instead of drugs to control their children? Remember when underwear was worn “under” our clothes and pajamas were worn in bed?

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