Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Church Growth War Casualties (Part 2)

I'm Speaking Truth... is a relatively new blog that is just one more among many I have found that were started for similar reasons; the unbiblical practices of churches that have become enamoured by popular church growth gurus.

The author/blogger, who’s identity is not revealed (and probably for good reasons), has given me his permission to post his story "in hopes that others might see it and recognize that they may also be members of church mafias - and flee." Here is his story:

Why I Speak Truth

"I spent the past twelve years under the authority - and in servitude - to two mega church ***** (pastors). I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to share my experiences (as He wills), and to encourage every believer to study to know the Word of God for themselves.

I’ve served in ordained ministry for the past several years. Before I “fled the plantation”, I was on the fast track to moving even higher - as long as I ignored blatant money games, intentional doctrinal error, and intimidation and extortion.

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ, I could no longer ignore the fact that God’s people were being deceived because of their lust of the flesh (the desire for material things), their infatuation with superstar pastors, and their ignorance of the Word of God. I repented of my allegiance to false teachers, fled the wicked assembly, and am committed to sounding the alarm as long as the Lord allows.

The purpose of this blog is simple - to glorify God by exposing the false teaching and the blatant misrepresentation of His doctrine for selfish gain. Period.

I seek not to advance gossip, innuendo, or ungodly chatter. I will speak God’s truth, verify it with His Word, and let the chips fall where they may.

I will identify false teachers and their flawed (and intentionally deceptive doctrine), and try my very best to keep you away from them by exposing you to God’s truth.

Is my approach direct? Absolutely - so was Jesus’. Am I blunt? Yes. Will I offend ”comfortable” Christians and the apologists of these notorious *****(pastors)? Probably.

My only allegiance is to God through Jesus Christ - and His Word, thus I’m compelled to defend it against His enemies:

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

So, what can you do?
The best way to learn God’s truth is to study it for yourself. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar or seminary student, just be hungry for His Word. Of course, your first stop should be your Bible (and/or a good study Bible). Also, take a look at these great books. These books are easy to read, and give you an overview of the Old & New Testaments - enough to aid in your elementary study of scripture:"
“A Popular Survey of the Old Testament” by Norman L. Geisler
“Exploring the New Testament” by Walter Dunnett

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