Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Need For God's Power

"I refuse to pattern our ministry after the “seeker-sensitive” mentality of the modern church-growth teachers. Nor will I lead, as President, our college in the “market-driven” philosophy of modern-day educators. It is our desire to be Saviour-sensitive and Bible-driven in all of our decisions for our church, college, and Christian day school. Furthermore, I do not want to place myself in a position where I would ever be tempted to minimize the importance of an academically-qualified and spiritually-growing faculty. For example, one danger I see is that since accredited Christian colleges must have a certain number of professors with earned doctorates to maintain accreditation, there would be a temptation to maintain a professor who was not obedient in an area of the Christian life such as soul winning, or even church attendance, to keep the status with the accreditation agency, and subsequent cash flow. We would rather not place ourselves in that position.

I may be old-fashioned (I can live with that criticism), but I remain convinced that if a student is properly tra
ined by godly and qualified teachers in both spiritual and academic areas, hears Spirit-anointed preaching on a daily basis, keeps his heart hot by serving in the ministry of a local church, and has the power of God upon his life upon graduation, God will use that student to impact the world regardless of the cultural expectations. It is that kind of graduate whom God has used in the past and the world is waiting to hear from today!"

From an article on school accreditation by Dr. Paul Chappell,
Pastor, Lancaster Baptist Church

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Paul Chappell is so right. School accreditation is just one in a long line of things that entrap Christian schools and lead them down a path toward apostasy.