If you believe that our federal government is devoted to protecting our constitution and our civil rights, then you must be either brain-dead or a willing participant in the destruction of America.
Four days ago, Sept. 17, was the anniversary of our nation's Constitution, so I want to take this opportunity to remind or inform you of some facts. Our rights do not come from our government. They derive from God. They are inalienable; that means they cannot be taken away.
When they were first inaugurated, every one of our elected politicians swore an oath to protect and uphold our constitution. Lots of them didn’t really mean it.
These days we have many elected representatives who mandate laws without the consent of the people. But illegal laws are not constitutional and there are plenty of us out here in Real America, who will not obey illegal laws. And many of us are inspired, instructed, and dutifully motivated by the preamble to our Declaration of Independence. I have paraphrased that document here in plain, modern language for your convenience. I hope this will help.
“There are some things that are just absolutely and fundamentally true. In fact, they are so universally evident and understood that they don’t even need to be argued or defended. One of those absolute truths is that we are all created by God. And because He is the creator and the giver of life, no one, and no government has the right to arbitrarily take the life of another. Nor does anyone have the right to own, control, or hold another person hostage. And, no one has the right to deny any other person the opportunity to pursue his dreams or ambitions. The right to life, the right to be free and the right to pursue happiness are all rights that are granted to men by God, not by any government.
“In order to secure and protect their God-given rights, it is the responsibility of men to organize governments, for themselves, whose ONLY powers are those that are granted to them by the willing consent of the people. And, with those powers, they must act righteously for the good of those they govern.
“Whenever any government becomes so destructive or oppressive that it threatens or diminishes these basic rights of its people, it is the responsibility of the people to change or abolish that government and create a new one that will most effectively secure their safety, freedom, well-being, and happiness.
“Governments that have been well-established and that have served well over long periods of time must be wise. and very careful to remember their fundamental purpose and not substantively deviate from it for frivolous or fleeting causes. History has shown that most men will endure a lot of abuse and persecution and even evil at the hands of their governments as long as they think the abuses are tolerable because, over time, they become accustomed to them. Resistance is hard work and, frankly, it is much easier to just endure government encroachment as much as possible.
“But when a government becomes so abusive and oppressive; when it systematically erodes the freedoms of the very people who established it and empowered it in the first place, to the point that it becomes tyrannical or dictatorial, it is the right, - no, it is the duty of men to overthrow that government and to organize a new system to guard their future security."
The current Democrat party has been hijacked; it is not the benevolent, God-fearing party of my parents and grandparents. It already has and no doubt will continue to make our lives increasingly more miserable. We have no reasonable assurance that it will not continue to dispatch federal thugs and goons to harass and intimidate us to the point of restricting our travel, seizing our property, incarcerating us, or even killing us. That’s what tyrants do, and the party has shown us no good reason to expect less after the next election.
Nevertheless, understand and take comfort in this; there is a great, patriotic resistance out here across our nation. Millions of us who value liberty more than safety and comfort are, if necessary, willing to bleed or even make ultimate sacrifices for our freedom.
So, in closing be prepared, vote right, and pray for God’s continued blessings on the United States of America.