I am tired of all the foolish, irrelevant, never-Trump and never-Hillary, lesser-of-two-evils, phony moral arguments.
I am going to vote because I am an American citizen. The individual citizen is the most important office in our constitutional republic and voting is a duty of an informed citizen. It is up to us to uphold and protect our constitution, to reign in our out-of-control representatives, and hold our government accountable; Politicians won’t control or discipline themselves and they cannot be trusted.
I am also going to vote because I am a Christian. America is a REPRESENTATIVE republic. That means that the government is comprised of people who are elected by citizens to represent citizens. Therefore, the actions of the government are MY actions; I cannot abstain from voting and then sit back and complain about them. It is my personal responsibility to do the best I can to ensure a government that will protect the innocent and keep us safe. My Christian faith demands that I will do everything possible to elect people who will strive to protect the lives of the unborn, punish criminals, protect our borders, respect our God-given freedoms, encourage hard work and productivity, respect marriage, discourage idleness, allow the citizens to educate their children, and freely exercise their faiths.
Therefore I am NOT voting for Trump in this election. Nor am I voting for Clinton or any of the other write-ins or third party candidates. But I AM GOING TO VOTE.
So I WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR THE LIKEABILITY OF ANY CANDIDATE. I will be voting for the most conservative candidates on the Republican platform because, among the party platforms, it is the Republican platform that best protects and encourages those Christian virtues.
The Democrat platform does NONE of that. In fact, it is diametrically opposed to all of those virtues. To vote Democrat is inconsistent with the Christian faith.
It may be God’s will to raise up a wicked, ungodly ruler to bring judgment to this rebellious nation; that is His prerogative but it’s not my concern. He requires me to do Right even if His will overrides and takes us Left.
Go Trump.
Love your satire..
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