Monday, January 28, 2008
Thinking Is A Rare Commodity

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Fat Liberals - Liberalism Causes Obesity

I never saw this before but the answer is found in the Bible.
Proverbs 11:25 says, “The liberal soul shall be made fat.”
Liberalism causes obesity.
And since liberalism is on the rise, it stands to reason that there is more obesity.
Incidentally, everyone agrees that it is not nice to make fun of fat people so, therefore, I guess I should stop making fun of Liberals.
Or Not!
P.S. *All things being equal, fat people use more soap.
Big Tent Republican Revolution And The Compromise of Fundamental Beliefs
One of the descriptive phrases that characterized the party's desire to invite and unite people to the right side was that the Republican Party is a “Big Tent Party.” Under that Big Tent, the party bosses attempted to minimize differences and disagreements for the sake of winning back control.
Good intentions, I’m sure but as with all good intentions, there are often unintended consequences for our actions. I remember some of the well-intentioned mouthpieces in the media who encouraged us all to set our convictions and ideals and principles aside at the voting booth and use the power of the ballot to achieve incremental victories on the road to conservatism.
It didn’t work! Oh sure, the Republican Party won elections but was that really victory for conservatism? The Republican Party today is NOT a conservative party. By erecting the Big Tent, the party has become increasingly liberal and unprincipled to the point that, today, there is a dearth of true conservative defenders and statesmen. The Republican Party is only conservative in that, compared to the extreme liberalism, fascism and socialism of the political left, it is only slightly to the right. Both parties are traveling down the same road; one party just wants to go faster than the other. It was Huey Long who said, “The only difference I’ve found in Congress between the Republican and Democratic leadership is that one of them is skinning us from the toes up and the other from the ears down.” The partisan fighting that goes on today is not about ideological differences; it's about who gets to drive.
Ronald Reagan prophetically sounded the warning but no one was listening, “A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers.”
Ronald Reagan was very tactful; I am not. My paraphrase of his quote would go something like this; “When you live with pigs, you get dirty.”

Those words are also particularly important and, as a matter of fact, biblically imperative for the Christian Church. The new methods employed to attract non-Christians and the unchurched masses into the Church requires the erection of a “Big Tent.”
And “Big Tent” is an appropriate description; in their attempts to swell their numbers, many churches today have abandoned or compromised fundamental beliefs and have developed programs that resemble three-ring circuses. The result is large groups of attendees who must be constantly entertained and amused. And just like the leftward slide of the Republican Party, the once-fundamental evangelical movement in Christianity has slipped left toward neo-evangelicalism and liberalism.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Turn Your Campus - Biola, Youth For Christ Conference
Wikapedia has a pretty good article on the subject of Spoken Word Art, including the history. It seems to be a spin-off of the hip-hop genre and is noticeably antagonistic to mainstream culture and values. Just to be fair, this artist in this context might be good but there is insufficient info available to make any kind of informed judgment.
BEN STEPHENS – Keynote Conference Speaker. There is no biographical, philosophical, theological or any other kind of “ical” information provided by Turn Your Campus about this speaker (or about the conference in general). The only thing that can be known about him from Turn Your Campus is that he is the featured speaker. There is no title, no subject, no description and no text provided for this event. However, Ben Stephens can easily be located on the internet. Here are some things about the man that can be discerned by his credentials.
The Church of God in Christ believes in and practices Divine Healing. It is a commandment of Jesus to the Apostles. Healing is still practiced widely and frequently in the Church of God in Christ…
Feet Washing is practiced and recognized as an ordinance in our Church…
Ben Stephens’ Bible education and theological training is from institutions that purposefully identify themselves as interdenominational, some of which have slipped into liberalism and/or apostasy.The majority of his church, parachurch and academic affiliations and ministries are interdenominational in nature and predominantly and, in some cases, militantly, ethnocentric in origin and purpose. His church is theologically apostolic and Pentecostal.
There are over 30 workshops listed for the Turn Your Campus event. Here is a sampling of some of the titles: - Building a Faith That's Your Own - Building Relationships with Pre-Believers - Creative Prayer - Cutters and Self Mutilation - Drugs/Alcohol/Sex/Self-esteem - Homosexuality: A Real Discussion - Jesus and Sex - What is the Connection - Kingdom of Me vs. Kingdom of God - Know Your Rights on Campus - Understanding Islam - Using MySpace as God's Space/Facebook
There are several organizations cooperating in this venue but the two major sponsors or partners are Biola University and Youth for Christ both of which are moderately evangelical at best and interdenominational in their reach and purpose.
For the sake of clarity and fairness, this youth conference might be good. I don’t know. I have spent over eight hours in the past week researching the event and trying to locate any articles, critiques or reliable testimonials about this event or any of them from the past. I could find nothing substantive.
From what little information there is available about the music and featured artists, a reasonable assumption is that it will resemble the typical, high energy, excessive volume, sub-cultural hip-hop/rap style.
I would hesitate to make any personal judgments about the speaker's racial attitudes or biases if he has any but it is interesting to note that the majority of his ministerial or professional associations are overtly and sometimes militantly, ethnocentric.
From a theologically fundamental, Baptistic Christian viewpoint, I would be suspicious of the interdenominational, liberal, charismatic, Pentecostal doctrinal positions of the speaker and the sponsors especially as they might influence the workshop topics.
As a parent, I would be reticent to allow my children to attend. As a Church leader, I would advise anyone who asked me, regardless of their denominational bent, to not allow their children to attend simply because there is not enough information available for responsible parenting.
And, I would think that a youth worker would not engage or encourage his young people to participate due to insufficient information to make an informed decision about its social or spiritual appropriateness.
From a fundamentalist church leader or pastoral perspective, I would be extremely suspect of this event’s doctrinal or theological safety, accuracy, value or appropriateness to endorse or participate in it unless or until the event promoters are more forthcoming and descriptive in their content, doctrine and purpose.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Rhinoceros With The Bodger On His Bonce
If you ask the reason why,
They will tell you because of his scaly touch
Or his hard and glittering eye;
But should you ask a truthful man
You will get this quick response:
I do not trust that thing on his nose
The bodger on his bonce!

Oh the bodger on the bonce!
The bodger on the bonce!
Pity the poor old Rhino with
The bodger on the bonce!
Yet a sensitive heart the Rhinoceros owns.
If you doubt it, here's the proof;
That thing on his nose is for taking stones
Out of a horse's hoof:
He seldom, if ever meets a horse
(It is this that makes him sad)
When he does then it hasn't a stone in its hoof,
But he would if he did and it had!
Oh the bodger on the bonce!
The bodger on the bonce!
Pity the poor old Rhino with
The bodger on the bonce!
And just to bring pleasure to those Who like
to enjoy the natural scene,
He picks up litter on his spike
To keep the forest clean:
And if one day to his habitat
For a picnic you should roam,
He would open a tin should you
Have left your opener at home,
With the bodger on the bonce!
The bodger on the bonce!
Pity the poor old Rhino with
The bodger on the bonce!
So treat the Rhinoceros as your friend
Though he looks a fearsome sight,
He amply justifies his end
Because his means are right;
And ask yourself, would you do as well
Fulfilling long-felt wants,
If nature had endowed you with
A Bodger on your bonce?
Yes, a Bodger on your bonce?
A Bodger on your bonce?
If nature had endowed you with
A Bodger on your bonce?
A Bodger on your bonce?
A Bodger on your bonce?
Originally from the album 'The Bestiary of Flanders and Swann'.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Debate or Dialogue-Clarity or Compromise

****God's Church Growth Plan; The Book, The Blood, The Blessed Hope

Note: Pastor Tom Hilterman was my friend and associate several years ago at my former church. He was a faithful servant of God. He passed away Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017 at the age of 81. He will be missed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Second Amendment, Tyrannical Government

Monday, January 14, 2008
Rinos, Liberals, Rush Limbaugh and Jello Republicans
I have had a long-time affinity for Rhinos. My “crash” includes over 600 collectibles, toys and art. As a conservative and a Rhino collector, I resent the noble beast being degraded as an icon for liberalism (or even queers for that matter).
So I was happy to hear that Rush Limbaugh has accurately applied a new moniker for moderates (which is just another term for liberals who are ashamed of their liberalism). The word is “Jello” and it is appropriate and very descriptive.
The makers of Jello used a marketing slogan several years ago that said, “There’s always room for Jello” indicating that the dessert was light, non-filling and lacking substance. It is just a sugary sweet produ

Please leave the poor rhinos alone and let’s start referring to the moderates as Jello Republicans.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Let's Agree To Disagree.
Another response, for the here and now, can be, “Oh,

Dean Gotcher,
Institution for Authority Research
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
"The Rhinoceros" by Ogden Nash
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Congress: Upstanding Citizens and Respectable Role Models
Among those, 36 have been accused of spousal abuse. Seven have been arrested for fraud. Nineteen have been charged with writing bad checks and 117 of them have either directly or indirectly bankrupted at least two businesses.

Three have been incarcerated for assault, 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges and eight have been arrested for shoplifting. In the last year alone, eighty-four of them have been arrested for drunk driving.
Because of their poor credit history, 71 cannot qualify for a credit card.
Currently, 21 are defendants in lawsuits.
Oh, and one more thing; most of them are attorneys.
This fine, upstanding group of model citizens is the same bunch of geniuses that cranks out hundreds of new laws every year that are designed to keep the rest of us in line. But, hey, I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THEM.
That is why I like congressional recesses and I would favor even shorter sessions. Any day congress does nothing is a good day.
Green Awareness, Carbon Footprints and Saving the Planet
The 180 members of the Akashikita High School Green Band received recognition and accolades, not for their performance but for their mission. They "earned" their "green" name by traveling all over the world playing concerts to promote efforts to fight global warming. Last week they were in Victorville and, oh yeah, they went to Disneyland.
So, lets see, 180 bandmembers with their entourage of chaperones and all that luggage (including their band instruments) flying around the world on jet airliners and using ground transportation, hmmm! I wonder how big their collective carbon footprint is.

I suppose I should do my part to raise awareness. I could put a green ribbon on my car and then drive around all day so that people can see my concern. Or better, I could purchase a fifteen foot antenna for my car so I could tie the ribbon to the top. That would "raise the level of awareness" to even greater heights.
I guess it doesn't matter that this is classical, liberal symbolism over substance; no matter that these kids' young, impressionable minds are filled with a bunch of happycrap; it's not important that they are arrogant enough to really believe that "man" can control the temperature of the planet; the important thing is that they all "feel good" about themselves because they really care.